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Quickstart: Launch Interactive Build Workloads with Connected Ports


This Quickstart is an extension of the Quickstart document: Start and Use Interactive Build Workloads

When starting a container with the Run:ai Command-Line Interface (CLI), it is sometimes needed to expose internal ports to the user. Examples are: accessing a Jupyter notebook, using the container from a development environment such as PyCharm.

Exposing a Container Port

There are three ways to expose ports in Kubernetes: Port Forwarding, NodePort, and LoadBalancer. The first two will always work. The other requires a special setup by your administrator. The four methods are explained here.

The document below provides an example based on Port Forwarding.

Port Forwarding, Step by Step Walkthrough


  • Login to the Projects area of the Run:ai user interface.
  • Add a Project named team-a.

Run Workload

  • At the command-line run:

Open a terminal and run:

runai project set team-a
runai training submit nginx-test -i zembutsu/docker-sample-nginx
runai port-forward nginx-test --port 8080:80 

Open a terminal and run:

runai config project team-a
runai submit nginx-test -i zembutsu/docker-sample-nginx --interactive
runai port-forward nginx-test --port 8080:80
  • The Job is based on a sample NGINX webserver docker image zembutsu/docker-sample-nginx. Once accessed via a browser, the page shows the container name.
  • Note the interactive flag which means the Job will not have a start or end. It is the Researcher's responsibility to close the Job.
  • In this example, we have chosen the simplest scheme to expose ports which is port forwarding. We temporarily expose port 8080 to localhost as long as the runai port-forward command is not stopped
  • It is possible to forward traffic from multiple IP addresses by using the "--address" parameter. Check the CLI reference for further details.

The result will be:

Creating workspace nginx-test...
To track the workload's status, run 'runai workspace list'

port-forward stared, opening ports [8080:80]
The job 'nginx-test-0' has been submitted successfully
You can run `runai describe job nginx-test-0 -p team-a` to check the job status

Forwarding from -> 80
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 80

Access the Webserver

Open the following in the browser at http://localhost:8080.

You should see a web page with the name of the container.

Stop Workload

Press Ctrl-C in the shell to stop port forwarding. Then delete the Job by running runai delete job nginx-test

See Also