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CLI Examples

This article provides examples of popular use cases illustrating how to use the Command Line Interface (CLI)

Logging in

Logging in via run:ai sign in page (web)

You can log in from the UI, if you are using SSO or credentials

runai login

Logging in via terminal (credentials)

runai login user -u [email protected] -p "password"


Setting a default project

runai project set "project-name"

Submitting a workload

Naming a workload

Use the commands below to provide a name for a workload.

Setting a the workload name ( my_workload_name)

runai workspace submit my-workload-name -p test -i ubuntu 

Setting a random name with prefix (prefix=workload type)

    runai workspace submit -p test -i ubuntu 

Setting a random name with specific prefix (prefix determined by flag)

runai workspace submit --prefix-name my-prefix-workload-name -p test -i ubuntu 

Labels and annotations


runai workspace submit -p test -i ubuntu --label name=value --label name2=value2


runai workspace submit -p test -i ubuntu --annotation name=value --annotation name2=value2

Container's environment variables

runai workspace submit -p test -i ubuntu -e name=value -e name2=value2

Requests and limits

runai workspace submit  -p "project-name" -i   --cpu-core-request 0.3 --cpu-core-limit 1 --cpu-memory-request 50M --cpu-memory-limit 1G  --gpu-devices-request 1 --gpu-memory-request 1G

Submitting and attaching to process

runai workspace submit  -p "project-name" -i python  --attach -- python3

Submitting a jupyter notebook

runai workspace submit --image jupyter/scipy-notebook -p "project-name" --gpu-devices-request 1 --external-url container=8888 --name-prefix jupyter --command -- --NotebookApp.base_url='/${RUNAI_PROJECT}/${RUNAI_JOB_NAME}' --NotebookApp.token=''

Submitting distributed training workload with TensorFlow

runai distributed submit -f TF --workers=5 --no-master -g 1 -i kubeflow/tf-mnist-with-summaries:latest -p "project-name" --command -- python /var/tf_mnist/ --max_steps 1000000

Submitting a multi-pod workload

runai training submit  -i alpine -p test --parallelism 2 --completions 2  -- sleep 100000

Submit and bash

Submitting a workload with bash command

runai training pytorch submit  -p "project-name" -i nvidia/cuda:11.8.0-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04 -g 1 --workers 3 --command -- bash -c 'trap : TERM INT; sleep infinity & wait'

Bashing into the workload

runai training pytorch bash pytorch-06027b585626 -p "project-name"

Submitting distributed training workload with MPI

runai  mpi submit dist1 --workers=2 -g 1 \
    -i -e RUNAI_SLEEP_SECS=60 -p "project-name"

Submitting with PVC

New PVC bounded to the workspace

New PVCs will be deleted when the workload is deleted

runai workspace submit -i ubuntu --new-pvc claimname=yuval-3,size=10M,path=/tmp/test

New ephemeral PVC

New ephemeral PVCs will be deleted when the workload is deleted or paused

runai workspace submit -i ubuntu --new-pvc claimname=yuval2,size=10M,path=/tmp/test,ephemeral

Existing PVC

Existing PVCs will not be deleted when the workload is deleted

runai workspace submit -i ubuntu --existing-pvc claimname=test-pvc-2-project-mn2xs,path=/home/test

Master/Worker configuration

--command flag and -- are set both leader (master) and workers command/arguments

--master-args flag sets the master arguments

--master-command flag sets the master commands with arguments

--master-args and --master-command flags can be set together

Overriding both the leader (master) and worker image's arguments

runai pytorch submit -i ubuntu -- -a argument_a -b argument_b -c

Overriding both the leader (master) and worker image's commands with arguments

runai pytorch submit -i ubuntu --command -- python -m pip install

Overriding arguments of the leader (master) and worker image's arguments with different values

runai pytorch submit -i ubuntu --master-args "-a master_arg_a -b master-arg_b'" -- '-a worker_arg_a'

Overriding command with arguments of the leader (master) and worker image's arguments

runai pytorch submit -i ubuntu --master-command "python_master -m pip install'" --command -- 'python_worker -m pip install'

Listing objects

Listing all workloads in the user's scope

runai workload list -A

Listing projects in a YAML format

runai project list --yaml

Listing nodes in a JSON format

runai node list --json

CLI reference

For the full guide of the CLI syntax, see the CLI reference