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Runai workload port forward

runai workload port-forward

port forward management

runai workload port-forward WORKLOAD_NAME [flags]


# Forward connections from localhost:8080 to <workload-name> on port 8090:
runai workload port-forward <workload-name> --type=<workload-type> --port 8080:8090 --address localhost

# Forward connections from to <job-name> on port 8080:
runai workload port-forward <workload-name> --type=<workload-type> --port 8080 --address [requires privileges]

# Forward multiple connections from localhost:8080 to <workload-name> on port 8090 and from localhost:6443 to <workload-name> on port 443:
runai workload port-forward <workload-name> --type=<workload-type> --port 8080:8090 --port 6443:443 --address localhost


      --address string                 --address [local-interface-ip\host] --address localhost --address [privileged] (default "localhost")
  -h, --help                           help for port-forward
      --pod string                     Workload pod ID for port-forward, default: distributed(master) otherwise(random)
      --pod-running-timeout duration   Pod check for running state timeout (default 0s)
      --port stringArray               port
  -p, --project string                 Specify the project to which the command applies. By default, commands apply to the default project. To change the default project use ‘runai config project <project name>’
      --type string                    The type of the workload (training, workspace, distributed)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config-file string   config file name; can be set by environment variable RUNAI_CLI_CONFIG_FILE (default "config.json")
      --config-path string   config path; can be set by environment variable RUNAI_CLI_CONFIG_PATH (default "~/.runai/")
  -d, --debug                enable debug mode
  -q, --quiet                enable quiet mode, suppress all output except error messages
      --verbose              enable verbose mode