Setup Researcher Access Control¶
The following instructions explain how to complete the configuration of access control for Researchers. This requires several steps:
- (Mandatory) Modify the Kubernetes entry point (called the
Kubernetes API server
) to validate the credentials of incoming requests against the Run:ai Authentication authority. - (Command-line Interface usage only) Modify the Kubernetes profile to prompt the Researcher for credentials when running
runai login
(oroc login
for OpenShift).
- As of Run:ai version 2.16, you only need to perform these steps when accessing Run:ai from the command-line interface.
- As of Run:ai version 2.18, you only need to perform these steps when if using the older command-line interface.
Kubernetes Configuration¶
You must direct the Kubernetes API server to authenticate via Run:ai. This requires adding flags to the Kubernetes API Server. The flags show in the Run:ai user interface under Settings
| General
| Researcher Authentication
| Server configuration
Modifying the API Server configuration differs between Kubernetes distributions:
- Locate the Kubernetes API Server configuration file. The file's location may differ between different Kubernetes distributions. The location for vanilla Kubernetes is
- Edit the document, under the
tag, add the server configuration text described above. - Verify that the
pod in thekube-system
namespace has been restarted and that changes have been incorporated. Run the below and verify that the oidc flags you have added:
No configuration is needed. Instead, Run:ai assumes that an Identity Provider has been defined at the OpenShift level and that the Run:ai Cluster installation has set the OpenshiftIdp
flag to true. For more information see the Run:ai OpenShift control-plane setup.
Edit Rancher cluster.yml
(with Rancher UI, follow this). Add the following:
- These are example parameters. Copy the actual parameters from
Settings | General | Researcher Authentication
as described above.
You can verify that the flags have been incorporated into the RKE cluster by following the instructions here and running docker inspect <kube-api-server-container-id>
, where <kube-api-server-container-id>
is the container ID of api-server via obtained in the Rancher document.
If working via the RKE2 Quickstart, edit /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml
. Add the parameters provided in the server configuration section as described above in the following fashion:
- These are example parameters. Copy the actual parameters from
Settings | General | Researcher Authentication
as described above.
If working via Rancher UI, need to add the flag as part of the cluster provisioning.
Under Cluster Management | Create
, turn on RKE2 and select a platform. Under Cluster Configuration | Advanced | Additional API Server Args
. Add the Run:ai flags as <key>=<value>
(e.g. oidc-username-prefix=-
Install Anthos identity service by running:
gcloud container clusters update <gke-cluster-name> \
--enable-identity-service --project=<gcp-project-name> --zone=<gcp-zone-name>
Install the yq utility and run:
For username-password authentication, run:
kubectl get clientconfig default -n kube-public -o yaml > login-config.yaml
yq -i e ".spec +={\"authentication\":[{\"name\":\"oidc\",\"oidc\":{\"clientID\":\"runai\",\"issuerURI\":\"$OIDC_ISSUER_URL\",\"kubectlRedirectURI\":\"http://localhost:8000/callback\",\"userClaim\":\"sub\",\"userPrefix\":\"-\"}}]}" login-config.yaml
kubectl apply -f login-config.yaml
For single-sign-on, run:
kubectl get clientconfig default -n kube-public -o yaml > login-config.yaml
yq -i e ".spec +={\"authentication\":[{\"name\":\"oidc\",\"oidc\":{\"clientID\":\"runai\",\"issuerURI\":\"$OIDC_ISSUER_URL\",\"groupsClaim\":\"groups\",\"kubectlRedirectURI\":\"http://localhost:8000/callback\",\"userClaim\":\"email\",\"userPrefix\":\"-\"}}]}" login-config.yaml
kubectl apply -f login-config.yaml
Where the OIDC
flags are provided in the Run:ai server configuration section as described above.
Then update runaiconfig with the Anthos endpoint - gke-oidc-envoy. Get the externel IP of the service in the Anthos namespace.
kubectl get svc -n anthos-identity-service
gke-oidc-envoy LoadBalancer 39.201.319.10 443:31545/TCP 12h
Add the IP to runaiconfig
kubectl -n runai patch runaiconfig runai -p '{"spec": {"researcher-service": {"args": {"gkeOidcEnvoyHost": ""}}}}' --type="merge"
To create a kubeconfig profile for Researchers run:
kubectl oidc login --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME --login-config=login-config.yaml \
(this will require installing the kubectl oidc plug-in as described in the Anthos document above gcloud components install kubectl-oidc
Then modify the developer-kubeconfig
file as described in the Command-line Inteface Access section below.
- In the AWS Console, under EKS, find your cluster.
- Go to
and then toAuthentication
. - Associate a new
identity provider
. Use the parameters provided in the server configuration section as described above. The process can take up to 30 minutes.
Please follow the "Vanilla Kubernetes" instructions
Please contact Run:ai customer support.
See specific instructions in the documentation of the Kubernetes distribution.
Command-line Interface Access¶
To control access to Run:ai (and Kubernetes) resources, you must modify the Kubernetes configuration file. The file is distributed to users as part of the Command-line interface installation.
When making changes to the file, keep a copy of the original file to be used for cluster administration. After making the modifications, distribute the modified file to Researchers.
- Under the
directory edit theconfig
file, remove the administrative user, and replace it with text fromSettings | General | Researcher Authentication
|Client Configuration
. - Under
contexts | context | user
change the user torunai-authenticated-user
- After adding the new user, ensure to delete the following fields from the kubeconfig file to prevent unauthorized access: - Delete:
- Delete:client-key-data
- Remove: Any references to theadmin
Test via Command-line interface¶
- Run:
runai login
(in OpenShift environments useoc login
rather thanrunai login
). - You will be prompted for a username and password. In a single sign-on flow, you will be asked to copy a link to a browser, log in and return a code.
- Once login is successful, submit a Job.
- If the Job was submitted with a Project to which you have no access, your access will be denied.
- If the Job was submitted with a Project to which you have access, your access will be granted.
You can also submit a Job from the Run:ai User interface and verify that the new job shows on the job list with your user name.
Test via User Interface¶
- Open the Run:ai user interface, go to
. - On the top-right, select
Submit Workload