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Logs Collection

This article provides instructions for IT administrators on collecting Run:ai logs for support, including prerequisites, CLI commands, and log file retrieval. It also covers enabling verbose logging for Prometheus and the Run:ai Scheduler.

Collect logs to send to support

To collect Run:ai logs, follow these steps:


Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Run the Command from your local machine or a Bastion Host (secure server)
    Open a terminal on your local machine (or any machine that has network access to the Kubernetes cluster) where the Run:ai Administrator CLI is installed.
  2. Collect the Logs
    Execute the following command to collect the logs:

    runai-adm collect-logs

    This command gathers all relevant Run:ai logs from the system and generate a compressed file.

  3. Locate the Generated File
    After running the command, note the location of the generated compressed log file. You can retrieve and send this file to Run:ai Support for further troubleshooting.


The tar file packages the logs of Run:ai components only. It does not include logs of researcher containers that may contain private information

Logs verbosity

Increase log verbosity to capture more detailed information, providing deeper insights into system behavior and make it easier to identify and resolve issues.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Access to the Kubernetes cluster where Run:ai is installed
  • Including necessary permissions to view and modify configurations.
  • kubectl installed and configured:
  • The Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, must be installed and configured to interact with the cluster.
  • Sufficient privileges to edit configurations and view logs.
  • Monitoring Disk Space
  • When enabling verbose logging, ensure adequate disk space to handle the increased log output, especially when enabling debug or high verbosity levels.

Adding verbosity

Adding verbosity to Prometheus

To increase the logging verbosity for Prometheus, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the RunaiConfig to adjust Prometheus log levels. Copy the following command to your terminal:
kubectl edit runaiconfig runai -n runai
  1. In the configuration file that opens, add or modify the following section to set the log level to debug:
            logLevel: debug
  1. Save the changes. To view the Prometheus logs with the new verbosity level, run:
kubectl logs -n runai prometheus-runai-0

This command streams the last 100 lines of logs from Prometheus, providing detailed information useful for debugging.

Adding verbosity to the scheduler

To enable extended logging for the Run:ai scheduler:

  1. Edit the RunaiConfig to adjust scheduler verbosity:
kubectl edit runaiconfig runai -n runai

2 Add or modify the following section under the scheduler settings:

        verbosity: 6

This increases the verbosity level of the scheduler logs to provide more detailed output.


Enabling verbose logging can significantly increase disk space usage. Monitor your storage capacity and adjust the verbosity level as necessary.