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Connect JupyterHub with Run:ai


A Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code. Uses include data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more. Jupyter Notebooks are popular with Researchers as a way to code and run deep-learning code. A Jupyter Notebook runs inside the user container. For more information, see Using a Jupyter Notebook within a Run:ai Job.

JupyterHub is a separate service that makes it possible to serve pre-configured data science environments.

This document explains how to set up JupyterHub to integrate with Run:ai such that Notebooks spawned via JuptyerHub will use resources scheduled by Run:ai.

Installing JupyterHub

This document follows the JupyterHub installation documentation

Create a namespace


kubectl create namespace jhub

Provide access roles

kubectl apply -f

Create storage

JupyterHub requires storage in the form of a PersistentVolume (PV). For an example of a local PV:

Then run:

kubectl apply -f pv-example.yaml 


The JupyterHub installation will create a PersistentVolumeClaim named hub-db-dir that should be referred to by any PV you create.

Create a configuration file

Create a configuration file for JupyterHub. An example configuration file for Run:ai can be found in It contains 3 sample Run:ai configurations.

  • Download the file
  • Replace <SECRET-TOKEN> with a random number generated, by running openssl rand -hex 32



helm repo add jupyterhub
helm repo update
helm install jhub jupyterhub/jupyterhub -n jhub  --version=0.11.1 --values config.yaml

Verify Installation


kubectl get pods -n jhub

Verify that all pods are running

Access JupyterHub


kubectl get service -n jhub proxy-public

Use the External IP of the service to access the service.

Login with Run:ai Project name as user name.

Troubleshooting the JupyterHub Installation

If the External IP of the proxy-public service remains in the Pending status, it might mean that this service is not configured with an External IP by default.

To fix, find out which pod is the proxy pod running on.


kubectl get pods -n jhub -l component=proxy -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.nodeName}{"\n"}'

This will print the node that the proxy pod is running on. You will need to get both the internal and external IPs of this node for the next step.

Now, let's check the proxy-public service definition. Run:

kubectl edit svc proxy-public -n jhub

Under spec You should see a section externalIPs. If it does not exist, you must add it there. The section must contain both the external and the internal IPs of the proxy pod, for example:


Save the file and then try to access JupyterHub by using the external IP from the previous step in your browser.


Jupyter hub integration does not currently work properly when the Run:ai Project name includes a hyphen ('-'). We are working to fix that.