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Using a Docker Registry with Credentials


Some Docker images are stored in private docker registries. For the Researcher to access the images, we will need to provide credentials for the registry.


There could be two business scenarios:

  1. All researchers use single credentials for the registry.
  2. There exist separate registry credentials per Run:ai Project.

Single Credentials

For each private registry you must perform the following (The example below uses Docker Hub):

kubectl create secret docker-registry <secret_name> -n runai \ 
    --docker-server= \
    --docker-username=<user_name> --docker-password=<password>


kubectl label secret <secret_name> runai/cluster-wide="true" -n runai
  • <secret_name> may be any arbitrary string
  • <user_name> and <password> are the repository user and password


 * The secret may take up to a minute to update in the system.
 * The above scheme relies on the cluster setting `clusterWideSecret` to be set to `true`

Credentials per Project

For each Run:ai Project create a secret:

kubectl create secret docker-registry <secret_name> -n <NAMESPACE> \ 
    --docker-server= \
    --docker-username=<user_name> --docker-password=<password>

Where <NAMESPACE> is the namespace associated with the Project (typically its runai-<PROJECT-NAME>).

Then apply the secret to Run:ai by running:

kubectl patch serviceaccount default -n <NAMESPACE> -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "<secret_name>"}]}'

Google Cloud Registry

Follow the steps below to access private images in the Google Container Registry (GCR):

  • Create a service-account in GCP. Provide it Viewer permissions and download a JSON key.
  • Under GCR, go to image and locate the domain name. Example GCR domains can be, etc.
  • On your local machine, log in to docker with the new credentials:

    docker login -u _json_key -p "$(cat <config.json>)" <gcr-domain>
    Where <gcr-domain> is the GCR domain we have located, <config.json> is the GCP configuration file. This will generate an entry for the GCR domain in your ~/.docker/config.json file.

  • Open the ~/.docker/config.json file. Copy the JSON structure under the GCR domain into a new file called ~/docker-config.json. When doing so, take care to remove all newlines. For example:

    {"": { "auth": "<key>"}}

  • Convert the file into base64:

    cat ~/docker-config.json | base64

  • Create a new file called secret.yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
        name: gcr-secret
        namespace: runai
        runai/cluster-wide: "true"
        .dockerconfigjson: << PASTE_HERE_THE_LONG_BASE64_ENCODED_STRING >>
  • Apply to Kubernetes by running the command:
    kubectl create -f ~/secret.yaml
  • Test your settings by submitting a which references an image from the GCR repository