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Adding, Updating and Deleting Users


The Run:ai UI allows the creation of Run:ai Users. Users are assigned levels of access to all aspects of the UI including submitting jobs on the cluster.


It is possible to connect the Run:ai UI to the organization's directory and use single sign-on (SSO). This allows you to set Run:ai roles for users and groups from the organizational directory. For further information see single sign-on configuration.

Working with Users

You can create users, as well as update and delete users.

Create a User


To be able to review, add, update and delete users, you must have System Administrator access. To upgrade your access, contact a system administrator.

To create a new user:

  1. Login to the Run:ai UI at
  2. Press the Tools and Settings icon, then select Users.
  3. Press New user and enter the user's email address, then press Create.
  4. Review the new user information and note the temporary password that has been assigned. To send the user an introductory email, select the checkbox.
  5. Press Done when complete.

Assigning access rules to users

Once you have created the users you can assign them Access rules. This provides the needed authorization to access system assets and resources.

To add an Access rule to a user:

  1. Select the user, then press Access rules, then press +Access rule.
  2. Select a Role from the dropdown.
  3. Press Scope then select a scope for the user. You can select multiple scopes.
  4. After selecting all the required scopes, press Save rule.
  5. To add another rule, use the +Access rule.
  6. Press Done when all the rules are configured.

Roles and permissions

Roles provide a way for administrators to group and identify collections of permissions that administrators assign to subjects. Permissions define the actions that can be performed on managed entities. The Roles table shows the default roles and permissions that come with the syste. See Role based access control for more information.