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A template is a pre-set configuration that is used to quickly configure and submit workloads using existing assets. A template consists of all the assets a workload needs, allowing researchers to submit a workload in a single click, or make subtle adjustments to differentiate them from each other.

Creating Templates

To create a template:

  1. In the left menu, press Templates, then press New Template.
  2. In the Scope pane, select a Scope.
  3. In the Template Name pane, enter a name for the template.
  4. Select an environment from the tiles. If your environment is not listed, use the Search environments box to find it or press New environment to create a new environment. Press to create an environment if needed. In the Set the connection for your tool(s), enter the URL of the tool if a custom URL has been enabled in the selected environment. Use the Private toggle to lock access to the tool to only the creator of the environment.

    In the Runtime Settings:

    1. Press Commands and Arguments to add special commands and arguments to your environment selection.
    2. Press Environment variable to add an environment variable. Press again if you need more environment variables.
  5. In the Compute resource pane, select a compute resource. Use the Search compute resources if you do not see your resource listed. Press New compute resource to add a new compute resource to the system. Press More settings to add a node type (node affinity) to the compute resource selected.

  6. (Optional) In the Volume pane, press +volume to add a new volume to the template.

    From the drop down menus select: * Storage class * Access mode * Claim size and units * Volume mode

    Set the Volume target location, then select from either a Persistent volume or an Ephemeral volume.

  7. In the Data sources pane, select a data source. Press New data source to add a new data source to the system.

  8. In the General pane, choose to add the following:

    • Auto-deletion—the time after which a workload that has completed or failed will be deleted. Press +Auto-deletion then configure the time in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
    • Annotation—press +Annottion then enter a name and a value. You can add multiple annotations by pressing the +Annottion.
    • Label—press +Label then enter a name and a value. You can add multiple labels by pressing the +Label.
  9. Press Create template when your configuration is complete.