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Quickstart: Launch Distributed Training Workloads


Distributed Training is the ability to split the training of a model among multiple processors. Each processor is called a worker. Worker nodes work in parallel to speed up model training. There is also a master which coordinates the workers.

Distributed Training should not be confused with multi-GPU training. Multi-GPU training is the allocation of more than a single GPU to your workload which runs on a single container.

Getting distributed training to work is more complex than a single-container training as it requires syncing of data and timing between the different workers. However, it is often a necessity when multi-GPU training no longer applies; typically when you require more GPUs than exist on a single node. Several Deep Learning frameworks support distributed training. This example will focus on PyTorch.

Run:ai provides the ability to run, manage, and view distributed training workloads. The following is a Quickstart document for such a scenario.

There are various ways to submit a distributed training Workload:

  • Run:ai command-line interface (CLI)
  • Run:ai user interface
  • Run:ai API


To complete this Quickstart, the Infrastructure Administrator will need to install the optional Kubeflow Training Operator as described here

To complete this Quickstart, the Platform Administrator will need to provide you with:

  • Researcher access to Project in Run:ai named "team-a"
  • The project should be assigned a quota of at least 1 GPU.
  • A URL of the Run:ai Console. E.g.

To complete this Quickstart via the CLI, you will need to have the Run:ai CLI installed on your machine. There are two available CLI variants:

  • The older V1 CLI. See installation here
  • A newer V2 CLI, supported with clusters of version 2.18 and up. See installation here

Step by Step Walkthrough


Run runai login and enter your credentials.

Run runai login and enter your credentials.

Browse to the provided Run:ai user interface and log in with your credentials.

To use the API, you will need to obtain a token. Please follow the api authentication article.

Run a Distributed Training Workload

Open a terminal and run:

runai config project team-a
runai submit-dist pytorch dist-train1 --workers=2 -g 0.1 \


For more information on the workload submit command, see cli documentation.

Open a terminal and run:

runai project set team-a
runai distributed submit dist-train1  --framework PyTorch \
    -i --workers 2 
    --gpu-request-type portion --gpu-portion-request 0.1 --gpu-devices-request 1 --cpu-memory-request 100M


For more information on the training submit command, see cli documentation.

  • In the Run:ai UI select Workloads
  • Select New Workload and then Training
  • You should already have Cluster, Project and a start from scratch Template selected.
  • Under Workload architecture select Distributed and choose PyTorch. Set the distributed training configuration to Workers & master.
  • Enter train1 as the name and press CONTINUE.
  • Select NEW ENVIRONMENT. Enter pytorch-dt as the name and as the image. Then select CREATE ENVIRONMENT.
  • When the previous screen comes up, under Compute resource enter 2 workers and select small-fraction as the Compute resource.


For more information on submitting Workloads and creating Assets via the user interface, see Workload documentation.

curl -L 'https://<COMPANY-URL>/api/v1/workloads/distributed' \ # (1)
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \ # (2)
-d '{ 
    "name": "dist-train1", 
    "projectId": "<PROJECT-ID>", '\ # (3)
    "clusterId": "<CLUSTER-UUID>", \ # (4)
    "spec": {
        "compute": {
            "cpuCoreRequest": 0.1,
            "gpuRequestType": "portion",
            "cpuMemoryRequest": "100M",
            "gpuDevicesRequest": 1,
            "gpuPortionRequest": 0.1
        "image": "",  
        "numWorkers": 2,  \ # (5)
        "distributedFramework": "PyTorch" \ # (6)
  1. <COMPANY-URL> is the link to the Run:ai user interface. For example
  2. <TOKEN> is an API access token. see above on how to obtain a valid token.
  3. <PROJECT-ID> is the the ID of the team-a Project. You can get the Project ID via the Get Projects API
  4. <CLUSTER-UUID> is the unique identifier of the Cluster. You can get the Cluster UUID by adding the "Cluster ID" column to the Clusters view.
  5. Use 2 workers.
  6. Use PyTorch training operator


  • The above API snippet will only work with Run:ai clusters of 2.18 and above. For older clusters, use, the now deprecated Cluster API.
  • For more information on the Distributed Training Submit API see API Documentation

This would start a distributed training Workload for team-a. The Workload will have one master and two workers. We named the Workload dist-train1

List Workloads

Follow up on the Workload's progress by running:

runai list jobs
The result: mceclip00.png

runai distributed list

The result:

Workload     Type         Status      Project     Preemptible      Running/Requested Pods     GPU Allocation
dist-train1  Distributed  Running      team-a      Yes              0/2                        0.00
  • Open the Run:ai user interface.
  • Under "Workloads" you can view the new Training Workload:

  • Select the 0/2 under Running/Requested Pods and watch the worker pod status:

Select the dist-train1 workload and press Show Details to see the Workload details

Describe Workload

The Run:ai scheduler ensures that all pods can run together. You can see the list of workers as well as the main "launcher" pod by running:

runai describe job train1
runai training describe train1

Workload parameters can be viewed by adding more columns to the Workload list and by reviewing the Event History tab for the specific Workload.

View Logs

Run the following:

Get the name of the worker pods from the above describe command, then run:

runai logs dist-train1 --pod dist-train1-worker-0

(where dist-train1-worker-0 is the name of the first worker)

You should see a log of a running container

Get the name of the worker pods from the above describe command, then run:

runai distributed logs dist-train1 --pod dist-train1-worker-0

(where dist-train1-worker-0 is the name of the first worker)

You should see a log of a running container:

Select the Workload, and press Show Details. Under Logs you can select each of the workers and see the logs emitted from the container

Stop Workload

Run the following:

runai delete job dist-train1
runai training delete dist-train1

Select the Workload and press DELETE.

This would stop the training workload. You can verify this by listing training workloads again.