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This article explains the available roles in the Run:ai platform.

A role is a set of permissions that can be assigned to a subject in a scope.

A permission is a set of actions (View, Edit, Create and Delete) over a Run:ai entity (e.g. projects, workloads, users).Roles table

The Roles table can be found under Tools & Settings in the Run:ai platform.

The Roles table displays a list of predefined roles available to users in the Run:ai platform. It is not possible to create additional rules or edit or delete existing rules.

The Roles table consists of the following columns:

Column Description
Role The name of the role
Created by The name of the role creator
Creation time The timestamp when the role was created

Customizing the table view

  • Filter - Click ADD FILTER, select the column to filter by, and enter the filter values
  • Search - Click SEARCH and type the value to search by
  • Sort - Click each column header to sort by
  • Column selection - Click COLUMNS and select the columns to display in the table
  • Download table - Click MORE and then Click Download as CSV

Reviewing a role

  1. To review a role click the role name on the table
  2. In the role form review the following:
    • Role name
      The name of the role
    • Entity
      A system-managed object that can be viewed, edited, created or deleted by a user based on their assigned role and scope
    • Actions
      The actions that the role assignee is authorized to perform for each entity
      • View If checked, an assigned user with this role can view instances of this type of entity within their defined scope
      • Edit If checked, an assigned user with this role can change the settings of an instance of this type of entity within their defined scope
      • Create If checked, an assigned user with this role can create new instances of this type of entity within their defined scope
      • Delete If checked, an assigned user with this role can delete instances of this type of entity within their defined scope

Roles in Run:ai

Run:ai supports the following roles and their permissions:
Under each role is a detailed list of the actions that the role assignee is authorized to perform for each entity.

Compute resource administrator

Data source administrator

Data volume administrator

Department administrator

Department viewer


Environment administrator

L1 researcher

L2 researcher

ML engineer

Research manager

System administrator

Template administrator


Permitted workloads

When assigning a role with either one, all or any combination of the View, Edit, Create and Delete permissions for workloads, the subject has permissions to manage not only Run:ai native workloads (Workspace, Training, Inference), but also a list of 3rd party workloads:

Using API

Go to the Roles API reference to view the available actions.