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Install the Run:ai V1 Command-line Interface

The Run:ai Command-line Interface (CLI) is one of the ways for a Researcher to send deep learning workloads, acquire GPU-based containers, list jobs, etc.

The instructions below will guide you through the process of installing the CLI. The Run:ai CLI runs on Mac, Linux and Windows.

Researcher Authentication

When enabled, Researcher authentication requires additional setup when installing the CLI. To configure authentication see Setup Project-based Researcher Access Control. Use the modified Kubernetes configuration file described in the article.


  • When installing the command-line interface, it is worth considering future upgrades:
    • Install the CLI on a dedicated Jumpbox machine. Researchers will connect to the Jumpbox from which they can submit Run:ai commands
    • Install the CLI on a shared directory that is mounted on Researchers' machines.
  • A Kubernetes configuration file.


Kubernetes Configuration

  • In the Researcher's root folder, create a directory .kube. Copy the Kubernetes configuration file into the directory. Each Researcher should have a separate copy of the configuration file. The Researcher should have write access to the configuration file as it stores user defaults.
  • If you choose to locate the file at a different location than ~/.kube/config, you must create a shell variable to point to the configuration file as follows:
export KUBECONFIG=<Kubernetes-config-file>
  • Test the connection by running:
kubectl get nodes

Install Run:ai CLI

  • Go to the Run:ai user interface. On the top right select Researcher Command Line Interface.
  • Select Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Download directly using the button or copy the file to run it on a remote machine


chmod +x runai
sudo mv runai /usr/local/bin/runai

Rename the downloaded file to have a .exe extension and move the file to a folder that is a part of the PATH.


An alternative way of downloading the CLI is provided under the CLI Troubleshooting section.

To verify the installation run:

runai list jobs

Install Command Auto-Completion

It is possible to configure your Linux/Mac shell to complete Run:ai CLI commands. This feature works on bash and zsh shells only.

Edit the file ~/.zshrc. Add the lines:

autoload -U compinit; compinit -i
source <(runai completion zsh)

Install the bash-completion package:

  • Mac: brew install bash-completion
  • Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install bash-completion
  • Fedora/Centos: sudo yum install bash-completion

Edit the file ~/.bashrc. Add the lines:

[[ -r “/usr/local/etc/profile.d/” ]] && . “/usr/local/etc/profile.d/”
source <(runai completion bash)

Troubleshoot the CLI Installation

See Troubleshooting a CLI installation

Update the Run:ai CLI

To update the CLI to the latest version perform the same install process again.

Delete the Run:ai CLI

If you have installed using the default path, run:

sudo rm /usr/local/bin/runai