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Customize Installation

This document explains how to customize the Run:ai cluster installation. Customizing the cluster installation is useful if you want to implement specific features.


Using these instructions to customize your cluster is optional.

How to customize

After the cluster is installed, you can edit the runaiconfig object to add/change configuration. Use the command:

kubectl edit runaconfig runai -n runai

All customizations will be saved when upgrading the cluster to a future version.


Key Default Description
spec.project-controller.createNamespaces true Set to falseif unwilling to provide Run:ai the ability to create namespaces. When set to false, will requires an additional manual step when creating new Run:ai Projects as described below
spec.project-controller.clusterWideSecret true Set to false if unwilling to provide Run:ai the ability to create Kubernetes Secrets. When not enabled, automatic secret propagation will not be available
spec.mps-server.enabled false Set to true to allow the use of NVIDIA MPS. MPS is useful with Inference workloads false Set to true to allow researcher tools with a sub domain to be spawned from the Run:ai user interface. For more information see External access to containers
Set requests and limit configurations for CPU and memory for Run:ai containers. For more information see Large cluster configuration
spec.runai-container-toolkit.enabled true Controls the usage of GPU fractions.
spec.researcherService.ingress.tlsSecret On Kubernetes distributions other than OpenShift, set a dedicated certificate for the researcher service ingress in the cluster. When not set, the certificate inserted when installing the cluster will be used. The value should be a Kubernetes secret in the runai namespace
spec.researcherService.route.tlsSecret On OpenShift, set a dedicated certificate for the researcher service route. When not set, the OpenShift certificate will be used. The value should be a Kubernetes secret in the runai namespace
global.image.registry In air-gapped environment, allow cluster images to be pulled from private docker registry. For more information see self-hosted cluster installation
prometheus.spec.image Due to a known issue In the Prometheus Helm chart, the imageRegistry setting is ignored. To pull the image from a different registry, you can manually specify the Prometheus image reference.
global.additionalImagePullSecrets [] Defines a list of secrets to be used to pull images from a private docker registry
global.nodeAffinity.restrictScheduling false Restrict scheduling of workloads to specific nodes, based on node labels. For more information see node roles
spec.prometheus.spec.retention 2h The interval of time where Prometheus will save Run:ai metrics. Promethues is only used as an intermediary to another metrics storage facility and metrics are typically moved within tens of seconds, so changing this setting is mostly for debugging purposes.
spec.prometheus.spec.retentionSize Not set The amount of storage allocated for metrics by Prometheus. For more information see Prometheus Storage.
spec.prometheus.spec.imagePullSecrets Not set An optional list of references to secrets in the runai namespace to use for pulling Prometheus images (relevant for air-gapped installations).

Understanding Custom Access Roles

To review the access roles created by the Run:ai Cluster installation, see Understanding Access Roles.

Manual Creation of Namespaces

Run:ai Projects are implemented as Kubernetes namespaces. By default, the administrator creates a new Project via the Administration user interface which then triggers the creation of a Kubernetes namespace named runai-<PROJECT-NAME>. There are a couple of use cases that customers will want to disable this feature:

  • Some organizations prefer to use their internal naming convention for Kubernetes namespaces, rather than Run:ai's default runai-<PROJECT-NAME> convention.
  • Some organizations will not allow Run:ai to automatically create Kubernetes namespaces.

Follow these steps to achieve this:

  1. Disable the namespace creation functionality. See the runai-operator.config.project-controller.createNamespaces flag above.
  2. Create a Project using the Run:ai User Interface.
  3. Create the namespace if needed by running: kubectl create ns <NAMESPACE>. The suggested Run:ai default is runai-<PROJECT-NAME>.
  4. Label the namespace to connect it to the Run:ai Project by running kubectl label ns <NAMESPACE> runai/queue=<PROJECT_NAME>, where <PROJECT_NAME> is the name of the project you have created in the Run:ai user interface above and <NAMESPACE> is the name you chose for your namespace.