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Run:ai Configuration Articles

This section provides a list of installation-related articles dealing with a wide range of subjects:

Article Purpose
Designating Specific Role Nodes Set one or more designated Run:ai system nodes or limit Run:ai monitoring and scheduling to specific nodes in the cluster.
Create and Troubleshoot Clusters Create new clusters, view properties and status, and troubleshoot cluster connectivity related issues.
Set Default Scheduler Set the default scheduler for a specific namespace
Review Kubernetes Access provided to Run:ai In Restrictive Kubernetes environments such as when using OpenShift, understand and control what Kubernetes roles are provided to Run:ai
External access to Containers Understand the available options for Researchers to access containers from the outside
Install the Run:ai Administrator Command-line Interface The Administrator command-line is useful in a variety of flows such as cluster upgrade, node setup etc.
Set Node affinity with cloud node pools Set node affinity when using a cloud provider for your cluster
Local Certificate Authority For self-hosted Run:ai environments, specifically air-gapped installation, setup a local certificate authority to allow customers to safely connect to Run:ai
Backup & Restore For self-hosted Run:ai environments, set up a scheduled backup of Run:ai data
High Availability Configure Run:ai such that it will continue to provide service even if parts of the system are down.
Scaling Scale the Run:ai cluster and the Run:ai control-plane to withstand large transaction loads
Emails and system notification Configure e-mail notification