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Version 2.15

Release Content


Jobs, Workloads, Trainings, and Workspaces

  • Added support to run distributed workloads via the training view in the UI. You can configure distributed training on the following:

    • Trainings form
    • Environments form

    You can select single or multi-node (distributed) training. When configuring distributed training, you will need to select a framework from the list. Supported frameworks now include:

    • PyTorch
    • Tensorflow
    • XGBoost
    • MPI

    For Trainings configuration, see Adding trainings. See your Run:ai representative to enable this feature. For Environments configuration, see Creating an Environment.

  • Preview the new Workloads view. Workloads is a new view for jobs that are running in the AI cluster. The Workloads view provides a more advanced UI than the previous Jobs UI. The new table format provides:

    • Improved views of the data
    • Improved filters and search
    • More information

    Use the toggle at the top of the Jobs page to switch to the Workloads view. For more information.

  • Improved support for Kubeflow Notebooks. Run:ai now supports the scheduling of Kubeflow notebooks with fractional GPUs. Kubeflow notebooks are identified automatically and appear with a dedicated icon in the Jobs UI.

  • Improved the Trainings and Workspaces forms. Now the runtime field for Command and Arguments can be edited directly in the new Workspace or Training creation form.
  • Added new functionality to the Run:ai CLI that allows submitting a workload with multiple service types at the same time in a CSV style format. Both the CLI and the UI now offer the same functionality. For more information, see runai submit.
  • Improved functionality in the runai submit command so that the port for the container is specified using the nodeport flag. For more information, see runai submit --service-type nodeport.


  • Improved Credentials creation. A Run:ai scope can now be added to credentials. For more information, see Credentials.


  • Added support for workload types when creating a new or editing existing environments. Select from single-node or multi-node (distributed) workloads. The environment is available only on feature forms which are relevant to the workload type selected.

Volumes and Storage

  • Added support for Ephemeral volumes in Workspaces. Ephemeral storage is temporary storage that gets wiped out and lost when the workspace is deleted. Adding Ephemeral storage to a workspace ties that storage to the lifecycle of the Workspace to which it was added. Ephemeral storage is added to the Workspace configuration form in the Volume pane. For configuration information, see Create a new workspace.


  • Added support for Run:ai a Scope in the template form. For configuration information, see Creating templates.


  • Improvements in the New Deployment form include:
    • Support for Tolerations. Tolerations guide the system to which node each pod can be scheduled to or evicted by matching between rules and taints defined for each Kubernetes node.
    • Support for Multi-Process Service (MPS). MPS is a service which allows the running of parallel processes on the same GPU, which are all run by the same userid. To enable MPS support, use the toggle switch on the Deployments form.


    If you do not use the same userid, the processes will run in serial and could possibly degrade performance.

Auto Delete Jobs

  • Added new functionality to the UI and CLI that provides configuration options to automatically delete jobs after a specified amount of time upon completion. Auto-deletion provides more efficient use of resources and makes it easier for researchers to manage their jobs. For more configuration options in the UI, see Auto deletion (Step 9) in Create a new workspace. For more information on the CLI flag, see --auto-deletion-time-after-completion.

Run:ai Administrator


  • Run:ai has now revised and updated the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) mechanism, expanding the scope of Kubernetes. Using the new RBAC mechanism makes it easier for administrators to manage access policies across multiple clusters and to define specific access rules over specific scopes for specific users and groups. Along with the revised RBAC mechanism, new user interface views are introduced to support the management of users, groups, and access rules. For more information, see Role based access control.


  • During Workspaces and Training creation, assets that do not comply with policies cannot be selected. These assets are greyed out and have a button on the cards when the item does not comply with a configured policy. The button displays information about which policies are non-compliant.
  • Added configuration options to Policies in order to prevent the submission of workloads that use data sources of type host path. This prevents data from being stored on the node, so that data is not lost when a node is deleted. For configuration information, see Prevent Data Storage on the Node.
  • Improved flexibility when creating policies which provide the ability to allocate a min and a max value for CPU and GPU memory. For configuration information, see GPU and CPU memory limits in Configuring policies.

Nodes and Node Pools

  • Node pools are now enabled by default. There is no need to enable the feature in the settings.

Quotas and Over-Quota

  • Improved control over how over-quota is managed by adding the ability to block over-subscription of the quota in Projects or Departments. For more information, see Limit Over-Quota.
  • Improved the scheduler fairness for departments using the over quota priority switch (in Settings). When the feature flag is disabled, over-quota weights are equal to the deserved quota and any excess resources are divided in the same proportion as the in-quota resources. For more information, see Over Quota Priority.
  • Added new functionality to always guarantee in-quota workloads at the expense of inter-Department fairness. Large distributed workloads from one department may preempt in-quota smaller workloads from another department. This new setting in the RunaiConfig file preserves in-quota workloads, even if the department quota or over-quota-fairness is not preserved. For more information, see Scheduler Fairness.

Control and Visibility


  • To ease the management of AI CPU and cluster resources, a new CPU focused dashboard was added for CPU based environments. The dashboards display specific information for CPU based nodes, node-pools, clusters, or tenants. These dashboards also include additional metrics that are specific to CPU based environments. This will help optimize visual information eliminating the views of empty GPU dashlets. For more information see CPU Dashboard.
  • Improved the Consumption report interface by moving the Cost settings to the General settings menu.
  • Added table to the Consumption dashboard that displays the consumption and cost per department. For more information, see Consumption dashboard.


  • Improved the readability of the Nodes table to include more detailed statuses and descriptions. The added information in the table makes it easier to inspect issues that may impact resource availability in the cluster. For more information, see Node and Node Pool Status.

UI Enhancements

  • Added the ability to download a CSV file from any page that contains a table. Downloading a CSV provides a snapshot of the page's history over time, and helps with compliance tracking. All the columns that are selected (displayed) in the table are downloaded to the file.

Installation and Configuration

Cluster Installation and configuration

  • New cluster wizard for adding and installing new clusters to your system.

OpenShift Support

  • Added support for restricted policy for Pod Security Admission (PSA) on OpenShift only. For more information, see [Pod security admission](../admin/runai-setup/cluster-setup/
  • Added the ability, in OpenShift environments, to configure cluster routes created by Run:ai instead of using the OpenShift certificate. For more information, see the table entry Dedicated certificate for the researcher service route.