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Customize Installation

This article explains the available configurations for customizing the Run:ai cluster installation.

Helm chart values

The Run:ai cluster installation can be customized to support your environment via Helm values files or Helm install flags.

These configurations are saved in the runaiconfig Kubernetes object and can be edited post-installation as needed. For more information, see Advanced Cluster Configurations.


The following table lists the available Helm chart values that can be configured to customize the Run:ai cluster installation.

Key Description Default
global.image.registry (string) Global Docker image registry Default: ""
global.additionalImagePullSecrets (list) List of image pull secrets references Default: []
spec.researcherService.ingress.tlsSecret (string) Existing secret key where cluster TLS Certificates are stored (non-OpenShift) Default: runai-cluster-domain-tls-secret
spec.researcherService.route.tlsSecret (string) Existing secret key where cluster TLS Certificates are stored (OpenShift only) Default: ""
spec.prometheus.spec.image (string) Due to a known issue In the Prometheus Helm chart, the imageRegistry setting is ignored. To pull the image from a different registry, you can manually specify the Prometheus image reference. Default:
spec.prometheus.spec.imagePullSecrets (string) List of image pull secrets references in the runai namespace to use for pulling Prometheus images (relevant for air-gapped installations). Default: []