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Version 2.18

Release Content - June 30, 2024


Jobs, Workloads, and Workspaces

  • Added to UI backoff limit functionality to Training and Workspace workloads. The backoff limit is the maximum number of retry attempts for failed workloads. After reaching the limit, the workload's status will change to Failed. The UI will display the default number of retries based on 6 attempts for each pod in the workload. (For example, 6 pods = 36 attempts).

  • Updated Auto-deletion time default value from never to 30 days. The Auto-deletion time count starts when any Run:ai workload reaches a a completed, or failed status will be automatically deleted (including logs). This change only affects new or cloned workloads.

  • Added new Data sources of type Secret to workload form. Data sources of type Secret are used to hide 3rd party access credentials when submitting workloads. For more information, see Submitting Workloads.

  • Added new graphs for Inference workloads. The new graphs provide more information for Inference workloads to help analyze performance of the workloads. New graphs include Latency, Throughput, and number of replicas. For more information, see Workloads View. (Requires minimum cluster version v2.18).

  • Added latency metric for autoscaling. This feature allows automatic scale-up/down the number of replicas of a Run:ai inference workload based on the threshold set by the ML Engineer. This ensures that response time is kept under the target SLA. (Requires minimum cluster version v2.18).

  • Improved autoscaling for inference models by taking out ChatBot UI from models images. By moving ChatBot UI to predefined Environments, autoscaling is more accurate by taking into account all types of requests (API, and ChatBot UI). Adding a ChatBot UI environment preset by Run:ai allows AI practitioners to easily connect them to workloads.

  • Added more precision to trigger auto-scaling to zero. Now users can configure a precise consecutive idle threshold custom setting to trigger Run:ai inference workloads to scale-to-zero. (Requires minimum cluster version v2.18).

  • Added Hugging Face catalog integration of community models. Run:ai has added Hugging Face integration directly to the inference workload form, providing the ability to select models (vLLM models) from Hugging Face. This allows organizations to quickly experiment with the latest open source community language models. For more information on how Hugging Face is integrated, see Hugging Face.

  • Improved access permissions to external tools. This improvement now allows more granular control over which personas can access external tools (external URLs) such as Jupyter Notebooks, Chatbot UI, and others. For configuration information, see Submitting workloads. (Requires minimum cluster version v2.18).

  • Added a new API for submitting Run:ai inference workloads. This API allows users to easily submit inference workloads. This new API provides a consistent user experience for workload submission which maintains data integrity across all the user interfaces in the Run:ai platform. (Requires minimum cluster version v2.18).

Command Line Interface V2

  • Added an improved, researcher-focused Command Line Interface (CLI). The improved CLI brings usability enhancements for the Researcher which include:

    • Support multiple clusters
    • Self-upgrade
    • Interactive mode
    • Align CLI to be data consistent with UI and API
    • Improved usability and performance

    This is an early access feature available for customers to use; however, be aware that there may be functional gaps versus the older, V1 CLI. For more information about installing and using the V2 CLI, see CLI V2. (Requires minimum cluster version v2.18).

GPU memory swap

  • Added new GPU to CPU memory swap. To ensure efficient usage of an organization’s resources, Run:ai provides multiple features on multiple layers to help administrators and practitioners maximize their existing GPUs resource utilization. Run:ai’s GPU memory swap feature helps administrators and AI practitioners to further increase the utilization of existing GPU HW by improving GPU sharing between AI initiatives and stakeholders. This is done by expending the GPU physical memory to the CPU memory which is typically an order of magnitude larger than that of the GPU. For more information see, GPU Memory Swap. (Requires minimum cluster version v2.18).

YAML Workload Reference table

  • Added a new YAML reference document that contains the value types and workload YAML references. Each table contains the field name, its description and the supported Run:ai workload types. The YAML field details contains information on the value type and currently available example workload snippets. For more information see, YAML Reference PDF.

Email Notifications - Workload Status and timeouts

  • Added new Email notification system. AI Practitioners can setup the types of workload notifications they want to receive. In order to receive email notifications, you must ensure that the admin has enabled and configured notifications for the tenant. For more information, see Email notifications.


  • Improved UI asset creation form by adding a Description field. Now asset creators can add a free text description(max 250 characters) to any asset created. The description field is intended to help explain the nature and goal of the asset, this way AI practitioners will be able to make better decisions when choosing their assets in workload creation.

Run:ai Administrator

Data Sources

  • Added Data Volumes new feature. Data Volumes are snapshots of datasets stored in Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs). They act as a central repository for training data, and offer several key benefits.

    • Managed with dedicated permissions—Data Admins, a new role within, have exclusive control over data volume creation, data population, and sharing.
    • Shared between multiple scopes—unlike other Run:ai data sources, data volumes can be shared across projects, departments, or clusters. This promotes data reuse and collaboration within your organization.
    • Coupled to workloads in the submission process—similar to other Run:ai data sources, Data volumes can be easily attached to AI workloads during submission, specifying the data path within the workload environment.

    For more information, see Data Volumes. (Requires minimum cluster version v2.18).

  • Added new data source of type Secret. Run:ai now allows you to configure a Credential as a data source. A Data source of type Secret is best used in workloads so that access to 3rd party interfaces and storage used in containers, keep access credentials hidden. For more information, see Secrets as a data source.

  • Updated the logic of data source initializing state which keeps the workload in “initializing” status until S3 data is fully mapped. For more information see Sidecar containers documentation.

  • Additional storage unit sizes MiB, GiB & TiB (Megabyte, Gigabyte, and Terabyte respectively) added to the UI and API when creating a new data source of type PVC.


  • Added new Generic secret to Credentials. Credentials had been used only for access to data sources (S3, Git, etc.). However, AI practitioners need to use secrets to access sensitive data (interacting with 3rd party APIs, or other services) without having to put their credentials in their source code. Generic secrets leverage multiple key value pairs which helps reduce the number of Kubernetes resources and simplifies resource management by reducing the overhead associated with maintaining multiple Secrets. Generic secrets are best used as a data source of type Secret so that they can be used in containers to keep access credentials hidden. (Requires minimum cluster version v2.18).

Single Sign On

  • Added support for Single Sign On using OpenShift v4 (OIDC based). When using OpenShift, you must first define OAuthClient which interacts with OpenShift's OAuth server to authenticate users and request access tokens. For more information, see Single Sign-On.

  • Added OIDC scopes to authentication requests. OIDC Scopes are used to specify what access privileges are being requested for access tokens. The scopes associated with the access tokens determine what resource are available when they are used to access OAuth 2.0 protected endpoints. Protected endpoints may perform different actions and return different information based on the scope values and other parameters used when requesting the presented access token. For more information, see UI configuration.

Ownership protection

  • Added new ownership protection feature. Run:ai Ownership Protection ensures that only authorized users can delete or modify workloads. This feature is designed to safeguard important jobs and configurations from accidental or unauthorized modifications by users who did not originally create the workload. For configuration information, see your Run:ai representative.

Email notifications

  • Added new email notifications feature. Email Notifications sends alerts for critical workload life cycle changes empowering data scientists to take necessary actions and prevent delays.

    • System administrators will need to configure the email notifications. For more information, see System notifications.

Policy for distributed and inference workloads in the API

  • Added a new API for creating distributed training workload policies and inference workload policies. These new policies in the API allow to set defaults, enforce rules and impose setup on distributed training and inference workloads. For distributed policies, worker and master may require different rules due to their different specifications. The new capability is currently available via API only. Documentation on submitting policies to follow shortly.

Policy for distributed and inference workloads in the API

  • Added a new API for creating distributed training workload policies and inference workload policies. These new policies in the API allow to set defaults, enforce rules and impose setup on distributed training and inference workloads. For distributed policies, worker and master may require different rules due to their different specifications. The new capability is currently available via API only. Documentation on submitting policies to follow shortly.

Deprecation Notifications

Existing notifications feature requires cluster configuration, is being deprecated in favor of an improved Notification System. If you have been using the existing notifications feature in the cluster, you can continue to use it for the next two versions. It is recommend that you change to the new notifications system in the Control Plane for better control and improved message granularity.

Feature deprecations

Deprecated features will be available for two versions ahead of the notification. For questions, see your Run:ai representative.

API support and endpoint deprecations

The endpoints and parameters specified in the API reference are the ones that are officially supported by Run:ai. For more information about Run:ai's API support policy and deprecation process, see note under Developer overview.

Deprecated APIs and API fields

Cluster API Deprecation

Run:ai REST API now supports job submission. The older, Cluster API is now deprecated.

Departments API
Deprecated Replacement
/v1/k8s/clusters/{clusterId}/departments /api/v1/org-unit/departments
/v1/k8s/clusters/{clusterId}/departments/{department-id} /api/v1/org-unit/departments/{departmentId}
/v1/k8s/clusters/{clusterId}/departments/{department-id} /api/v1/org-unit/departments/{departmentId}+PUT/PATCH /api/v1/org-unit/departments/{departmentId}/resources
Projects API
Deprecated Replacement
/v1/k8s/clusters/{clusterId}/projects /api/v1/org-unit/projects
/v1/k8s/clusters/{clusterId}/projects/{id} /api/v1/org-unit/projects/{projectId}
/v1/k8s/clusters/{clusterId}/projects/{id} /api/v1/org-unit/projects/{projectId} + /api/v1/org-unit/projects/{projectId}/resources

Breaking changes

Breaking changes notifications allow you to plan around potential changes that may interfere your current workflow when interfacing with the Run:ai Platform.