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This article explains what environments are and how to create and use them.

Environments are one type of workload asset. An environment consists of a configuration that simplifies how workloads are submitted and can be used by AI practitioners when they submit their workloads.

An environment asset is a preconfigured building block that encapsulates aspects for the workload such as:

  • Container image and container configuration
  • Tools and connections
  • The type of workload it serves

Environments table

The Environments table can be found under Environments in the Run:ai platform.

The Environment table provides a list of all the environment defined in the platform and allows you to manage them.

The Environments table consists of the following columns:

Column Description
Environment The name of the environment
Description A description of the essence of the environment
Scope The scope of this environment within the organizational tree. Click the name of the scope to view the organizational tree diagram
Image The application or service to be run by the workload
Workload Architecture This can be either standard for running workloads on a single node or distributed for running distributed workloads on a multiple nodes
Tool(s) The tools and connection types the environment exposes
Workload(s) The list of existing workloads that use the environment
Workload types The workload types that can use the environment
Template(s) The list of workload templates that use this environment
Created by The user who created the environment. By default Run:ai UI comes with preinstalled environments created by Run:ai
Creation time The timestamp for when the environment was created
Cluster The cluster that the environment is associated with

Tools associated with the environment

Click one of the values in the tools column to view the list of tools and their connection type.

Column Description
Tool name The name of the tool or application AI practitioner can set up within the environment.
Connection type The method by which you can access and interact with the running workload. It's essentially the "doorway" through which you can reach and use the tools the workload provide. (E.g node port, external URL, etc)

Workloads associated with the environment

Click one of the values in the Workload(s) column to view the list of workloads and their parameters.

Column Description
Workload The workload that uses the environment
Type The workload type (Workspace/Training/Inference)
Status Represents the workload lifecycle. see the full list of workload status

Customizing the table view

  • Filter - Click ADD FILTER, select the column to filter by, and enter the filter values
  • Search - Click SEARCH and type the value to search by
  • Sort - Click each column header to sort by
  • Column selection - Click COLUMNS and select the columns to display in the table
  • Download table - Click MORE and then Click Download as CSV

Environments created by Run:ai

When installing Run:ai, you automatically get the environment created by Run:ai to ease up the onboarding process and support different use cases out of the box.
These environments are created at the scope of the account.

Environment Image
Jupiter-lab jupyter/scipy-notebook
tensorboard tensorflow/tensorflow:latest

Adding a new environment

Environment creation is limited to specific roles

To add a new environment:

  1. Go to the Environments table
  3. Select under which cluster to create the environment
  4. Select a scope
  5. Enter a name for the environment. The name must be unique.
  6. Optional: Provide a description of the essence of the environment
  7. Enter the Image URL
    If a token or secret is required to pull the image, it is possible to create it via credentials of type docker registry. These credentials are automatically used once the image is pulled (which happens when the workload is submitted)
  8. Set the image pull policy - the condition for when to pull the image from the registry
  9. Set the workload architecture:
    • Standard
      Only standard workloads can use the environment. A standard workload consists of a single process.
    • Distributed
      Only distributed workloads can use the environment. A distributed workload consists of multiple processes working together. These processes can run on different nodes.
    • Select a framework from the list.
  10. Set the workload type:
    • Workspace
    • Training
    • Inference
    • When inference is selected, define the endpoint of the model by providing both the protocol and the container’s serving port
  11. Optional: Set the connection for your tool(s). The tools must be configured in the image. When submitting a workload using the environment, it is possible to connect to these tools
    • Select the tool from the list (the available tools varies from IDE, experiment tracking, and more, including a custom tool for your choice)
    • Select the connection type
      • External URL
        • Auto generate
          A unique URL is automatically created for each workload using the environment
        • Custom URL
          The URL is set manually
      • Node port
        • Auto generate
          A unique port is automatically exposed for each workload using the environment
        • Custom URL
          Set the port manually
      • Set the container port
  12. Optional: Set a command and arguments for the container running the pod
    • When no command is added, the default command of the image is used (the image entrypoint)
    • The command can be modified while submitting a workload using the environment
    • The argument(s) can be modified while submitting a workload using the environment
  13. Optional: Set the environment variable(s)
    • The environment variable(s) are added to the default environment variables that are already set within the image
    • The environment variables can be modified and new variables can be added while submitting a workload using the environment
    • You can configure a new Environment variable from your credentials (of type generic secret, access key or username & password). When selecting an environment variable source from credentials, the predefined name for the credential assets are displayed as an option. In addition, you can select the type of the credential to be used (username / password or access key / access secret).
  14. Optional: Set the container’s working directory to define where the container’s process starts running. When left empty, the default directory is used.
  15. Optional: Set where the UID, GID and supplementary groups are taken from, this can be:
    • From the image
    • From the IdP token (only available in an SSO installations)
    • Custom (manually set) - decide whether the submitter can modify these value upon submission.
  16. Optional: Select Linux capabilities - Grant certain privileges to a container without granting all the privileges of the root user.


It is also possible to add environments directly when creating a specific workspace, training or inference workload

Editing an environment

To edit an environment:

  1. Select the environment from the table
  2. Click Rename to edit its name and description


Additional fields can be edited using the API

Copying & Editing an environment

To copy & edit an environment:

  1. Select the project you want to duplicate
  2. Click COPY & EDIT.
  3. Update the environment and click SAVE.

Deleting an environment

To delete an environment:

  1. Select the environment you want to delete
  2. Click DELETE
  3. On the dialog, click DELETE to confirm the deletion


It is not possible to delete an environment being used by an existing workload and template.

Using API

Go to the Environment API reference to view the available actions