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Setting Run:ai as the default scheduler per Namespace (Project)


Kubernetes has a default scheduler that makes decisions on where to place Kubernetes Pods. Run:ai has implemented a different scheduler called the runai-scheduler. By default, Run:ai uses its own scheduler

You can decide to use the Run:ai scheduler for other, non-Run:ai, workloads by adding the following to the workload's YAML file:

schedulerName: runai-scheduler

Making Run:ai the default scheduler

There may be cases where you cannot change the YAML file but still want to use the Run:ai Scheduler to schedule those workloads.

For such cases, another option is to configure the Run:ai Scheduler as the default scheduler for a specific namespace. This will now make any workload type that is submitted to that namespace (equivalent to a Run:ai Project) use the Run:ai scheduler.

To configure this, add the following annotation to the namespace itself:

runai/enforce-scheduler-name: true


To annotate a project named proj-a, use the following command:

kubectl annotate ns runai-proj-a runai/enforce-scheduler-name=true

Verify the namespace in YAML format to see the annotation:

kubectl get ns runai-proj-a -o yaml


apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
    runai/enforce-scheduler-name: "true"
  creationTimestamp: "2024-04-09T08:15:50Z"
  labels: runai-proj-a
    runai/namespace-version: v2
    runai/queue: proj-a
  name: runai-proj-a
  resourceVersion: "388336"
  uid: c53af666-7989-43df-9804-42bf8965ce83
  - kubernetes
  phase: Active