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This article explains the procedure to manage users and their permissions.

Users can be managed locally, or via the Identity provider, while assigned with Access Rules to manage its permissions.

For example, user [email protected] is a department admin in department A.

Users table

The Users table can be found under Access in the Run:ai platform.

The users table provides a list of all the users in the platform.
You can manage local users and manage user permissions (access rules) for both local and SSO users.


Single Sign-On users

SSO users are managed by the identity provider and appear once they have signed in to Run:ai

The Users table consists of the following columns:

Column Description
User The unique identity of the user (email address)
Type The type of the user - SSO / local
Last login The timestamp for the last time the user signed in
Access rule(s) The access rules assigned to the user
Created By The user who created the user
Creation time The timestamp for when the user was created
Last updated The last time the user was updated

Customizing the table view

  • Filter - Click ADD FILTER, select the column to filter by, and enter the filter values
  • Search - Click SEARCH and type the value to search by
  • Sort - Click each column header to sort by
  • Column selection - Click COLUMNS and select the columns to display in the table
  • Download table - Click MORE and then Click Download as CSV. Export to CSV is limited to 20,000 rows.

Creating a local user

To create a local user:

  1. Click +NEW LOCAL USER
  2. Enter the user’s Email address
  3. Click CREATE
  4. Review and copy the user’s credentials:
    • User Email
    • Temporary password to be used on first sign-in
  5. Click DONE


The temporary password is visible only at the time of user’s creation, and must be changed after the first sign-in

Adding an access rule to a user

To create an access rule:

  1. Select the user you want to add an access rule for
  3. Click +ACCESS RULE
  4. Select a role
  5. Select a scope
  6. Click SAVE RULE
  7. Click CLOSE

Deleting user’s access rule

To delete an access rule:

  1. Select the user you want to remove an access rule from
  3. Find the access rule assigned to the user you would like to delete
  4. Click on the trash icon
  5. Click CLOSE

Resetting a user password

To reset a user’s password:

  1. Select the user you want to reset it’s password
  3. Click RESET
  4. Review and copy the user’s credentials:
    • User Email
    • Temporary password to be used on next sign-in
  5. Click DONE

Deleting a user

  1. Select the user you want to delete
  2. Click DELETE
  3. In the dialog, click DELETE to confirm the deletion


To ensure administrative operations are always available, at least one local user with System Administrator role should exist.

Using API

Go to the Users, Access rules API reference to view the available actions