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Add Run:ai authorization to kubeconfig

The runai kubeconfig set command allows users to configure their kubeconfig file with Run:ai authorization token. This setup enables users to gain access to the Kubernetes (k8s) cluster seamlessly.


Setting kubeconfig is not required in order to use the CLI. This command is used to enable third-party workloads under Run:ai authorization.


To set the token (will be fetched automatically) inside the kubeconfig file, run the following command:

runai kubeconfig set


Before executing the command, ensure that

  1. Cluster authentication is configured and enabled.
  2. The user has a kubeconfig file configured.
  3. The user is logged in (use the runai login command).

Cluster configuration

To enable cluster authentication, add the following flags to the Kubernetes server API of each cluster:

  - command:
    - --oidc-client-id=<OIDC_CLIENT_ID>
    - --oidc-issuer-url=url=https://<HOST>/auth/realms/<REALM>
    - --oidc-username-prefix=-

User Kubeconfig configuration

Add the following to the Kubernetes client configuration file (./kube/config). For the full command reference, see kubeconfig set.

  • Make sure to replace values with the actual cluster information and user credentials.
  • There can be multiple contexts in the kubeconfig file. The command will configure the current context.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
  colors: true
current-context: <CONTEXT_NAME>
- context:
    cluster: <CLUSTER_NAME>
    user: <USER_NAME>
  name: <CONTEXT_NAME>
- cluster:
    server: <CLUSTER_URL>
    certificate-authority-data: <CLUSTER_CERT>
  name: <CLUSTER_NAME>
- name: <USER_NAME>